Monday, November 15, 2010

Progress! Baby steps, baby steps

If you recall, last week, the infamous PTA pile looked like this:

Well, it isn't gone, but it has been reduced! I did manage to pull everything out into the middle of the floor, and do a basic Keep/Toss sort. You can see that a good amount was tossed. Of the rest, some needs to be passed on to this year's treasurer (that was me last year), and the rest needs to be put in some kind of organizational order.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Enough of the talk, time to get working

So, after a weekend that left me feeling flustered and overwhelmed by the clutter in my house, I decided to get down to business tonight. So, I cleared off a counter in my kitchen. (Yes, there are 5 boxes of cereal there. Hy-Vee had a REALLY good deal going!)

I decided to tackle the table after the kids went to bed. It started out looking like this:

Am I the only one who piles up the stuff that just needs to go in the recycle bin? See that pile on the left? Out of that stack, after I pulled out the binder, this much of it went straight into the recycle bin.

Pretty soon the table was cleaned off, and I promise there wasn't any stashing and dashing in the process at all.

Next project? The PTA Pile that is beginning to take on a life of its own. It has stuff from last school year, the book fair, fun night, and more.

All right. Off to fold some laundry. Tonight there's only two baskets, compared to the 5-6 baskets I folded over the course of two evenings last week.